
Summer, 2019

Mission Statement: exploring how to reach out & teach more effectively in a changing         learning environment

TEACHING: developing class “textbooks” with OneNote, pulling in links to current articles with accompanying introductions, explanatory text, questions and exercises

LEARNING: taking online courses in Photography (MOMA: Seeing through Photographs, Adobe EdEx: Photojournalism [PhotoShop focused]) and podcasting (Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas: Listen up! How to launch and grow a hit podcast, Adobe EdEx: Podcasting [Audition-focused])

CREATIVITY: creating “RIGHT DOWN TO THE LAST WORD,” a podcast offering “tips on writing nonfiction that captures your reader – right down to the last word.” Intended for post-college audience, including those interested in writing memoirs, etc.

TECHNOLOGY: building skills with Adobe Audition, Adobe PhotoShop